
  • トップ
  • 『国連UNHCR』×『#振袖gram』









  1. 保護と支援:UNHCRは、難民や他の強制的に移住させられた人々が危害を受けずに自らの権利を守ることができるように努めています。これには、権利の擁護、法的支援の提供、および彼らの福祉の監視が含まれます。

  2. 緊急対応:紛争や自然災害によって影響を受けた人々に対して、UNHCRは即時の援助を提供します。これには、住居、食料、清潔な水、医療などの提供が含まれます。

  3. 難民地位の確認:UNHCRは、難民として認識される資格を持つ個人の判断を行い、必要な文書を提供します。

  4. 移住と統合:故郷への帰還や地域社会への統合が不可能な場合、UNHCRは難民の自発的な移住を第三国への移住として促進します。また、難民のホストコミュニティへの統合を支援するために活動しています。

  5. 調整とパートナーシップ:UNHCRは、政府、他の国連機関、非政府組織(NGO)、市民社会と協力して、努力を調整し、難民や移住者に対する援助を提供するための連携を行っています。

UNHCR stands for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. It is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that is mandated to protect and support refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people worldwide.

The primary goal of the UNHCR is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees, ensuring that they have access to basic human rights, including shelter, healthcare, education, and legal assistance. The agency works to provide life-saving aid and assistance to those forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or other reasons.

Key functions of the UNHCR include:

  1. Protection and Advocacy: UNHCR works to ensure that refugees and other forcibly displaced populations are protected from harm and have their rights respected. This involves advocating for their rights, providing legal aid, and monitoring their well-being.

  2. Emergency Response: The UNHCR provides immediate assistance during emergencies, including the provision of shelter, food, clean water, and healthcare to those affected by conflicts or natural disasters.

  3. Refugee Status Determination: The agency determines the eligibility of individuals to be recognized as refugees and provides them with the necessary documentation.

  4. Resettlement and Integration: UNHCR facilitates the voluntary resettlement of refugees to third countries when return to their home country or local integration is not possible. It also works to support the integration of refugees into host communities.

  5. Coordination and Partnerships: The UNHCR collaborates with governments, other UN agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and civil society to coordinate efforts and provide assistance to refugees and displaced populations.

  6. Statelessness: UNHCR is actively involved in efforts to prevent and reduce statelessness worldwide. It works to ensure that stateless individuals have access to nationality and associated rights.

The UNHCR operates in over 135 countries and relies on voluntary contributions from governments, private organizations, and individuals to carry out its work. It plays a crucial role in responding to global refugee crises, advocating for refugee rights, and working towards durable solutions for displaced populations.