



  1. 兜(かぶと):武士の頭を守るための兜です。金属製で頭部を包み込み、顔を保護する面が付いています。兜の形状やデザインは時代や地域によって異なります。

  2. 面頬(めんぼ):兜の顔面部分に取り付けられた保護具です。通常は金属製で、目や口を保護する役割を果たします。面頬は外部の攻撃から顔を守るだけでなく、敵の攻撃をより効果的に受け流すための装備です。

  3. 烏帽子(えぼし):兜の上部に被せる帽子状の装飾品です。武士の身分や所属を示す紋章や飾りが施されることがあります。

  4. 胴具足(どうぐそく):上半身と下半身を覆う鎧の部分です。胴具足は胸当てや胴当て、腹当て、脇当てなどの複数の部品から構成されます。これらの部品は金属の鏡板や鎖節でつながっており、身体の保護と柔軟性を両立させています。

  5. 手甲(てく):手を保護するための金属製の装具です。通常は手首から指先までを覆い、戦闘時における手の動きを制限しないように設計されています。



Uchigake” is a term in Japanese referring to the armor worn by samurai warriors. This armor, known as “yoroi,” consists of multiple interconnected metal components that provide protection and defense. The uchigake includes a helmet, cuirass, and various other pieces.

  1. Helmet (Kabuto): A protective headpiece worn by samurai. It is typically made of metal and covers the head, with a faceguard to protect the face. The shape and design of the helmet can vary depending on the era and region.

  2. Faceguard (Menpo): A protective piece attached to the front of the helmet. Usually made of metal, it safeguards the eyes, nose, and mouth. The faceguard not only protects the wearer’s face from external attacks but also enhances the effectiveness of deflecting enemy strikes.

  3. Crested Hat (Eboshi): A decorative headgear worn on top of the helmet. It may feature emblems or embellishments indicating the samurai’s status or affiliation.

  4. Cuirass (Dōgusoku): The upper and lower body armor that covers the torso. The cuirass consists of multiple components, including a chest plate, abdominal plate, side guards, and backplate. These pieces are connected by metal plates or chain links, providing both protection and flexibility.

  5. Gauntlets (Teku): Metal armguards designed to protect the hands. They cover the wrist and extend to the fingertips, allowing for mobility during combat.

Uchigake armor is also notable for its decorative elements and design variations. It often features emblems, family crests (kamon), or personalized adornments that symbolize the samurai’s identity or affiliation. Different types and changes in armor styles can be observed across different periods, and some uchigake have historical and artistic value as well.